Monday, April 18, 2016

Baby Girl

Everyone has a story.  Some stories are about beginnings, others - endings.  Some are happy, -others not so much.  Yet, each story inhabits a place in someone's personal history, moving them, directing them and shaping them.  Baby Girl is one of those stories.  

You know from past posts that if I were to list my least favorite characteristics in fiction, sentimentality and inspiration would top the list.  But when a friend handed me this book and announced that it is her story, those characteristics paled in light of the bravery and resilience shone in the main character. 

 Let me explain.  Although the author clearly identifies and thanks the local woman whose life became the road map for this book, I will refer to her only as "C".  C wandered into my store years ago; it might have even been in our former location.  She was bright, exuberant, and gentle even though the tiny glimpses she gave me into her life had me shaking me head and wondering how she had risen above her challenges.  At the time, C was living in a totally unorthodox dwelling, but she made it seem special, almost exotic.  Little did I know hoe much angst that "home" represented, nor did I have any inkling of all that led to her living in that awkward space.

Baby Girl is about losing and finding.  Giving up a baby girl for adoption marks the mid-point of C's sorrows, but also makes the beginning of C leaving her inner baby girl behind and growing into a strong, confident woman.  The path C takes to get to today tricks her, trips her and sends her spinning in a million directions.  Still, she beats down the enemies one by one with wit and intelligence.  Throw in a nice dose of stubbornness and you've got the perfect mix for success.  And whether she believes it or not, C is a success.  
I have to be honest here and say that the writing style is quite simple... without a lot of artistry.  However, the succinct word choice and linear plot development are solid.  The important element in the book is the main character, a fictional representation of my friend C.  Betty Lee Crosby allows that character to shine through the darkness.

C, thank you for trusting me enough  to share this with me.  I hope you are proud of who you are.  I am happy we are friends.

Thanks for stopping by.
LaDeDa Bev